Flago de Nia Afero

Friday, May 27, 2016

Monda unua kaj nur Parakleta Teofobo Sekto

Ni estas Cenáculanoj, La Maafaoni Rito-Maniero de Melkicedek, Nigra Despocini, Filoj kaj Filinoj de Cedek, La lasta bando de Habiru... Kukasru de Jesxurun.

Fakta Scio ('actual knowledge') is simply the one and only truth, yet Fakta Scio is not for all people. The popular lies are more comfy for the "Trompita" ('supporters of stat quo') because some facts cause fear. If your faith is fragile, stop reading this now. For those still reading, here's a few examples of Fakta Scio: The snake in the Garden of Eden is the Sumerian God 'Tiamat' and not the devil, The Gospel of Thomas is the oldest and most pure Gospel of all (it begot Mark's & Luke's), the Sumaritans are more Jewish than the modern-day Israelites, Mt. Karkom is the real 'Mt. Sinai', Moses was somehow influenced by Akhenaten's Sun God, Mary Magdalene is not a hoe (100% made-up by Pope Gregory in the 5th Century), Africa was the center of the Christian world (Carthage was a Christian City before Rome was), the true cross was not shaped like the lower case letter T (rather, a Iota Chi), Jesus was killed for taking John's place as leader of The Way, and the Magi most likely followed the Star of Bethlehem to welcome the birth of the baby Messiah 'John'. My sincere apologies to any members of the Trompita, for any and all actual knowledge that I may have forced apon you.

"A cleansing of the temple starts now, with us here." -Amatan

Yahshua in Greek becomes "Iasou" in truth, but Iesous is the common incorrect translation. So in English it really becomes "Iasus", and not Jesus. The letter 'a' (alpha) is changed to 'h' (eta) to distance the name from YHWH with the addition of the vowel point 'shewa'. His 3 officially excepted Hebrew names (none of them being Yahshua) appears 219 times in the New Testament:
216 times found: Yahusha YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN
2 times found: Yahushua YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN
1 time found: Y’shua (Neh. 8:17) YOD-SHIN-UAU-AYIN

Hypsistarians, i.e. 'Worshippers of The Most High' is a term appearing in documents dated about 200 BC to approx. 400 AD, but in this context it means 'Theophobes' (God-Fearers), referring to the members of the Sandalphon Nome in West Asia.

In the OT Bible, a Nazirite (in Hebrew: נזיר, nazir) refers to one who voluntarily took a vow described in Numbers 6:1–21. The proper noun "Nazarite" comes from the Hebrew word nazir meaning "consecrated" or "separated". 'Jesus The Nazirite' may be the correct translation of the 'Jesus of Nazareth' title. In the KNHI, the Nazirite vow requires the man or woman to:
1. Abstain from wine, wine vinegar, grapes, raisins, intoxicating liquors, vinegar distilled from such substances, and eating or drinking any substance that contains any trace of grapes.
2. Refrain from cutting the hair on one's head; but to allow the locks of the head's hair to grow.
3. Not to become impure by corpses or graves, even those of family members.
(After following these requirements for 3, 6 or 9 months, the Subcanon would immerse in a ritual bath and make several offerings) Most members will take this vow several times within their lifetime. The average term for Canons is 6 months, but many Prebendaries took the vow for a year or more. Offerings are brought to the same ecclesium the vow was first taken by the member. And our modern-day Marzeah have nothing to do with death.

Why is the description "Christian" not good enough for this Chirche? Because Church Fathers like Tertullus didn't use the word. The first confirmed use of the word "Nazarenes" (in Greek, "Nazoraioi") occurs from Tertullus before Antonius Felix. Tertullus did not acknowledge 'Iesous ho Nazoraios' ("Jesus of Nazareth") as 'Iesous ho Christos' ("Jesus the Messiah") and did not call Paul's sect 'Christianoi' ("followers of the Messiah"). The Greek New Testament uses "Nazarene" six times and "Nazorean" 13 times (as seen below). In the Book of Acts, "Nazorean" is used to refer to a follower of Jesus, i.e. a Christian, rather than an inhabitant of a town. More evidence needed? "Notzrim" is the modern Hebrew word for 'Nazoreans/Christians' and commonly used to mean "Christian" in Syriac (Nasrani) and Arabic.

The word 'Nazorean' in the NT:
"Nazoraios", Matthew 2:23, Luke 18:37, John 19:19 Acts 6:14, Acts 22:8
"Nazoraiou", Matthew 26:71, Acts 3:6, Acts 4:10, Acts 26:9
"Nazoraion", Acts 24:5, John 18:5, John 18:7, Acts 2:22

Some bands and classes raise funds through colportage services with the Prester John Bible, a polyglot New Testament bible with the 'Gospel of Mary', 'Infancy Gospel of Thomas', 'Infancy Gospel of James' and the 'Acts of Paul & Thecla' added. Will be available in English-Esperanto, then in Spanish-Esperanto (later in Seychellois Creole-Esperanto & Hatian Creole-Esperanto). "The Gospel Teaching" is the other scripture published by the chirche and connexion (ˁApiru).

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Originala Chananaia Hebreoj, La Habiru

Tradition sometimes differ from fact & truth. The Amarna Letters along with many other cuneiform writings shine a great deal of light on the time of Abraham in Afro-Asiatic Retjenu. Let's start with the two stelae at Memphis and Karnak, Thutmose III's son Amenhotep II boasts of having made 89,600 prisoners in his campaign in Canaan (around 1420 BC), including "127 princes and 179 nobles of Retenu, 3600 Apiru, 15,200 Shasu, 36,600 Hurrians", etc. This shows that the words "Israelite" & "Hebrew" are not synonymous, since we now know the Shasu of Ywh were the Pre-Israelites and the Apiru were the Paleo-Hebrews. So when seeking the actual truth of God, one must research the true origins of The Word. This simple fact has led us to the city of Alalakh.

Founded by the Amorites (in the territory of present-day Turkey) during the Middle Bronze Age in the 2nd millennium BC. The first palace was built c. 2000 BC, contemporary with the Third Dynasty of Ur. The written history of the site may begin under the name Alakhtum, with tablets from Mari in the 18th century BC, when the city was part of the kingdom of Yamhad (modern Aleppo). A dossier of tablets records that King Sumu-Epuh sold the territory of Alakhtum to his son-in-law Zimri-Lim, king of Mari, retaining for himself overlordship. After the fall of Mari in 1765 BC, Alalakh seems to have come under the rule of Yamhad again. King Abba-El I of Aleppo bestowed it upon his brother Yarim-Lim, to replace the city of Irridu. Abba-El had destroyed the latter after it revolted against his brother Yarim-Lim. A dynasty of Yarim-Lim's descendents was founded, under the hegemony of Aleppo, that lasted to the 16th century. According to the short chronology found at Mari, at that time Alalakh was destroyed, most likely by Hittite king Hattusili I, in the second year of his campaigns.

After a hiatus of less than a century, written records for Alalakh resume. At this time, it was again the seat of a local dynasty. Most of the information about the founding of this dynasty comes from a statue inscribed with what seems to be an autobiography of the dynasty's founding king.

In the mid-14th century BC, the Hittite Suppiluliuma I defeated king Tushratta of Mitanni and assumed control of northern Syria, then including Alalakh, which he incorporated into the Hittite Empire. A tablet records his grant of much of Mukish's land (that is, Alalakh's) to Ugarit, after the king of Ugarit alerted the Hittite king to a revolt by the kingdoms of Mukish, Nuhassa, and Niye. The city of Alalakh was probably destroyed by invading Sea People in the 12th century BC, as were many other cities of coastal Anatolia and the Levant. But the Habiru band from Alalakh mixed with that same invading Sea People (Peleset Maropopolon). As a result grew in strength and became the 'El' worshipping Chananaia Hebrews (biblically labeled: Jebusites) whom already inhabited Afro-Asiatic Canaan from Shechem to Urusalim and beyond.

The earliest recorded instance of the term 'Habiru' is dated to the reign of King Irkabtum of the north Syrian (Amorite) kingdom of Yamkhad (1740 bce), who had a year named "Year when king Irkabtum made peace with Semuma and the Habiru." This is proof that the Habiru (led by Semuma) already wielded such influence in the neighborhood of Alalakh that the local sovereign felt obliged to sign a treaty with them. The Tikunani Prism dated from around 1550 bce lists the names of 438 Habiru soldiers of King Tunip-Tessup of Tikunani (a small city-state in central Mesopotamia), the majority of these are mostly Hurrian, the rest are Semitic, one is Kassite. Another text from approx. 1500 bce describes the Habiru as soldiers, organized into bands of various sizes: one band from Tapduwa has 15 soldiers, another from Sarkuhe has 29, and another from Alalakh has 1,436 soldiers. An Old Assyrian merchant in Alishar requests aid in freeing/ransoming some Habiru formerly associated with the palace of Shalahshuwe, now prisoners of the local authorities.

But the Sumerian logogram "SA.GAZ" (Apiru/Habiru) appears in text from Southern Mesopotamia dated from approximately 1850 bce, where it is applied to small bands of soldiers, apparently mercenaries at the service of local city-states and being supplied with food or sheep. The small bands grew in population and influence, then spread throughout West Asia. The independent band of SA.GAZ warriors from Alalakh may have worshipped at "Ventro Monteto" (Turkish: 'Gobekli Tepe') in Anatolion. The Ugaritic god "Saduq" (Northwestern Semitic "S-d-q" is the forerunner of the Phoenician "Sydyk") became "Zedek", an epithet of the god El.

The word 'Hebrew' (‘ibrî) translates to “one who crosses (from place to place), a transient, a nomad”. The root is ‘ābar, in its transitive sense, "to cross", in its intransitive sense, "to be a crosser, a transient, a nomad". Eber (‘ēber) goes back to a earlier form ‘abir(u). The exact equivalent of ‘abir(u), ‘ēber and ‘ibrî in cuneiform is habiru/habirū.

Many people did not know Canaan was first called Phoenicia. Kinahni ("Canaan") is synonymous with Kinahhi ("Phoenicia"). The Hebrews were a mixed group of Phoenicians. Sanchoniatho's Phoenician History Book (published in 1720) says on page 44, "...its clear that the fragment of our Author ends with the sending of Thot the son of Misor, into Egypt, to govern there and occasionally mentions Cnaa (Kn'n), who is known to be Canaan, Mizraim's brother, as the first Phoenician". Canaan is used three times in the New Testament: twice in Acts when paraphrasing Old Testament stories, and once in the Exorcism of the Syrophoenician woman's daughter. The latter story is told by both Matthew and Mark; Matthew uses the term Chananaia (Χαναναία), where Mark calls the woman Syrophoenician (Συροφοινίκισσα). Strong's Concordance describes the term "Chananaia" as "Phoenician", in the time of Jesus Christ". One of the 613 mitzvot (precisely n. 596) prescribes that no inhabitants of the cities of six Canaanite nations be left alive (see 'Deuteronomy 7:1' for list), except for the Girgashites. So it is highly possible and most likely, that the Girgashites were the last of the true Hebrews.

The invading Edomite Jews killed the Chananaia-Hebrew inhabitants.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Publika Informo sur la KNHK

Όμικρο Λάμδα Γάμμα

Any & all right-minded adults can be a Circuit Rider in this independent connexion and start their own Class (a small group of members) immediately and un-interrupted, without ever meeting other established members (see offical handbook "Class Ticket" for more information). Every member is a lifetime student and Dean of their own one-man school, always in autodidactic erudition of Abrahamology & Christology. Methodos means 'pursuit of knowledge', so always seek and gain knowledge no matter what the teacher's religion is. We hope to work with The Ethiopian Coptic Church, Baha'i Temple, AME Church, Moravian Church, The Healing Church*, Nation of Gods & Earths and many others. Unuamo ('one love').

Brand new members are labeled 'Subcanons' until he or she complete a 3, 6 or 9 month term under the Nazirite Oath, before becoming officially ordained as a 'Canon' at a special Marzeah thrown annually. To be Class Leader, a Circuit Rider needs at least 12 Subcanons or Canons to start a Class, always using the leader's last name as the title of said class (6-8 Classes per Society/Chirche, unlimited number of Societies/Chirches per Circuit/Round, approx. 24 Circuits/Rounds per Nome/District). Only some Class Leaders are promoted to 'Right Canon'. The highest rank is Metropolitan-Archcanon aka Metropolitan. All Rt. Canons must have 9 years as a Circuit Stewart before being (eligible for a nomination to be) an Archcanon. All members of the Alpha Lambda Chapt. are Archcanons.

We call the last leader of The Way by his original Nazorean title "Pharisatha", first used in Antioch. We pray to Elohim. We participate in an optional kosher diet 6 days a week, but a non-optional strict water-diet on the Sabbath. We are Nazoreans, not Jews or Jewish. We fully support the State of Philistia 100%, not the illegal Khazar State of Israel. We believe 'Kaneh Bosm' is holy (and considered to be the eucharist, an oral tradition from Ethiopia dating back to the time of Christ). We believe modern-day Christendom is flawed, as a whole. We reject the pagan traditions introduced by the Emperor Constantine. Your Pope is the Pentarch under the Patrimony of Peter, but we are under the Patrimony of James, Brother of Jesus, Cousin of John and the Original Pope. The term 'Pope' was first used only locally in Punic North Africa.

The Apocrisiary (la Arkiprimato de Sacerdoto Johano) wears a diadem on his/her head or the exclusive dark purple poms on his/her dark purple biretta. All birettas have the peak-less point on the right side, not the left like the Roman Catholics. Members do not wear zucchettos at anytime. The Pilleo (a pointed hat) and The Stofo (a scarf similar to a keffiyeh, with the "Cenaclar's Plaid" pattern) are trademarks of The Maafaony Rite and reserved for its ordained members only.

The Punic Nazorean Hypsistarian Connexion (KNHK) was founded on August 8, 2008 by me, la ĉefpastro. The Connexion (aka "La Interkonekto") is overseen and governed by Prebendaries of the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Omicron Lambda Gamma Archconfraternity, headed by the Apocrisiary. The two Metropolitan Nomes (Metatron & Sandalphon) will be based within the United States border. All KNHK 'Ecclesiums' (collegiate chirches) and 'Archecclesiums' (cenacles) are Cenobite Simultaneums within the New World. The Alpha Lambda Chapterhouse ("Kapitulaci"), Sampi Circuit Studium Generale & Sampi Circuit Studium Particulare will be located somewhere in la Golfeto Areo de Alta Kalifornio. The Archecclesium of the Metatron Nome (Cenacle of Metatron) will be in La Ebenaĵoj, Alta Kalifornio.

Some bands and classes raise funds through colportage services with the Prester John Bible (KNNT), a polyglot New Testament bible with the 'Gospel of Mary', 'Infancy Gospel of Thomas', 'Infancy Gospel of James' and the 'Acts of Paul & Thecla' added. First available in English-Esperanto and Spanish-Esperanto (later in Seychellois Creole-Esperanto & Hatian Creole-Esperanto). A version in Usonigos Jida will be made for Prebendaries only. "The Gospel Teaching" is another scripture published by the chirche and connexion.

Why is the description "Christian" not good enough for this Chirche? Because Church Fathers like Tertullus didn't use the word. The first confirmed use of the word "Nazarenes" (in Greek, "Nazoraioi") occurs from Tertullus before Antonius Felix. Tertullus did not acknowledge 'Iesous ho Nazoraios' ("Jesus of Nazareth") as 'Iesous ho Christos' ("Jesus the Messiah") and did not call Paul's sect 'Christianoi' ("followers of the Messiah"). The Greek New Testament uses "Nazarene" six times and "Nazorean" 13 times (as seen below). In the Book of Acts, "Nazorean" is used to refer to a follower of Jesus, i.e. a Christian, rather than an inhabitant of a town. More evidence needed? "Notzrim" is the modern Hebrew word for 'Nazoreans/Christians' and commonly used to mean "Christian" in Syriac (Nasrani) and Arabic.

The official language of the Chirche is "Maafaika" (or 'Usonigos Jida'), a Neo-Yiddish involving Esperanto & the whole Greek Alphabet. The original cross, the 'Iota Chi Chrismon' ('Star of Bethlehem') is the official symbol of the Connexion, but the Sator Square (seen at the top) & the Hand of Asherah (a Hamsa symbol with “ASHRH” in Punic script on center) is also used by the Chirche. We fully embrace the Adoptionism of Christology and the Panbabylonism of Abrahamology. We now know the beginning of the movement was totally funded by women. The woman (as a whole) have been robbed of their rightful venerable place in Christendom. Our belief in the Wife of Ein Sof coupled with the high position of women in general within the KNHK differs greatly from any other Methodist, Catholic, Gnostic or Jewish Christian Church in existence, past or present. For example, our women keep their last name after marriage in some form or fashion and only a Canoness or Canon’s wife has the right to an ‘Abrahamic Marriage’. This is where a underwife can be added to the marriage through civil union or ceremony at the sole choice of the wife. Women have God’s favor and only women have ‘The Mark of God’ (mtDNA).

Monday, July 16, 2012

Omikra Lambdo Gama Arkiconfraternidad de la Kartaga Nazaretano Hipsistano Konekto

Omicron Lambda Gamma 

נוצרים פוניים
Faktoj povas nur fari saĝa pli forta, kaj Cenáculaj ĉiam flanko kun la Vero, ni estas vero-amantoj. Levu la kapon al la signo de la Kvar Sango Lunoj.

The rivers Euphrates, Tigris, Gihon & Pison all meet at the Wadi Batin Delta in Sumer. This is the exact location of "The Garden of Eden" before the Great Flood created the Persian Gulf first described in the Enuma Elish & the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Garden of Eden was an actual real place in the Neolithic Era, approx. 7000 BCE.

The Creation story, Tower of Babel story, Nimrod The Mighty Hunter story and more originated in Sumer, the homeland of Abraham. The Sumerians ("The Black Heads") are the forefathers of the Habiru/Apiru, later renamed "Hebrews". Not at all the same people as the Israelites.

The Pre-Israelites (Hyksos descendants with quadroon skin tones, pictured below) were never slaves in Egypt. As proof of this, the actual text uses the word 'Avadim' (worker). 'The Exodus' (or more correctly 'The Second Expulsion') of the remaining Hyksos by Seti from the land of Goshen happened inbetween 1280 BCE (when the descendants of The Hyksos built Pi-Ramses under Pharoh Ramses II as corvee laborers) and 1211 BCE (the approx. date of the 'Stela of Merneptah', which states "Israel is laid waste"). But the results of the Santorini Eruption that caused the plague, darkness, frogs and lotus do not line-up correctly, date wise. And a purely scientific investigation shows Moses most likely crossed the Sea of Reeds (if it happened at all) about 20 miles south of the Mediterranean Sea in a very swampy section subject to tides, quickened by extreme easterly winds.

The Hyksos offspring settled in Kadesh Barnea (Seir) becoming at least 6 differant Clans, with at least 6 different Gods (Shasu of Pysps, Shasu of Wrbr, Shasu of S'rr, Shasu of Rbn, Shasu of Sm't & Shasu of Yhw). Later the Holy Bible listed the leaders of 11 Clans of Edom (Aluf Timnah, Aluf Alvah, Aluf Jetheth, Aluf Aholibamah, Aluf Elah, Aluf Pinon, Aluf Kenaz, Aluf Teman, Aluf Mibzar, Aluf Magdiel, Aluf Iram). This is the true origin of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

The Hebrew word translated as leader of a clan is 'aluf', used solely to describe the Dukes of Edom and Moab, in the first five books of Moses. However beginning in the books of the later prophets the word is used to describe Judean generals, for example, in the prophecies of Zachariah twice (9:7, 12:5-6) it had evolved to describe Jewish captains, the word also is used multiple times as a general term for teacher or guide for example in Psalm 55:13.

One of the clans (or tribes) led by an Aluf, separated itself and set its sights on Kn'n (Canaan). The Shasu of Yhw sacked Jerico, then the Bethelites of Ai. The Gibeons join the Shasu of Yhw in the Battle of The Ajolon Valley defeating 5 Kn'ny City-States, and later 31 more city-states within the Alalakh Apiru controlled Kn'n, becoming the Kingdom of Israel.

Today's progressive independent thinkers must question all answers. Is Dark Energy the literal 'Ein Sof'? Is Quantum Mechanics solid proof of God? Why is this unknown/unpopular 'Gnostic-Methodist Chirche' the only Christian denomination that has a place for Jews & Muslims? Is 'math' the one & only true word of God? And what do we do with new questions and new information? I personally do not have all the answers, but I know one thing for sure. If an person or persons tells you some information but then adds: "don't listen to anyone else", "don't research, just trust me" or "don't read any other books but these". That person or those persons should be suspect and may not be trusted. Please doubt anything, read everything and always research. Do your Sundays the same as always, just add some religious studies on Saturday please. Dio benu vin ('God bless you').

La Eternulo vin benu kaj vin gardu. La Eternulo multigu Sian vizaĝon barako lumo sur vin kaj favorkoru vin. La Eternulo turnu Sian vizagxon al vi kaj donu al vi pacon.

قد الرب يبارككم ويحفظك، الرب قد جعل وجهه تسليط الضوء عليكم وتكون كريمة لكم، قد الرب يرفع وجهه لكم ويعطيكم السلام.

מי ייתן והאל יברך אותך ושומר עליך, מי תיתן ואל להקל לשפוך את הפנים שלו עליכם ולהיות אדיב לכם, מי תיתן ואל להרים את הפנים שלו אליך ויישם לך שלום.


written by:
Rev. Msgr. Johano Ludoviko II
Superintendent Prebendary of the Enacos Round