Flago de Nia Afero

Monday, July 16, 2012

Omikra Lambdo Gama Arkiconfraternidad de la Kartaga Nazaretano Hipsistano Konekto

Omicron Lambda Gamma 

נוצרים פוניים
Faktoj povas nur fari saĝa pli forta, kaj Cenáculaj ĉiam flanko kun la Vero, ni estas vero-amantoj. Levu la kapon al la signo de la Kvar Sango Lunoj.

The rivers Euphrates, Tigris, Gihon & Pison all meet at the Wadi Batin Delta in Sumer. This is the exact location of "The Garden of Eden" before the Great Flood created the Persian Gulf first described in the Enuma Elish & the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Garden of Eden was an actual real place in the Neolithic Era, approx. 7000 BCE.

The Creation story, Tower of Babel story, Nimrod The Mighty Hunter story and more originated in Sumer, the homeland of Abraham. The Sumerians ("The Black Heads") are the forefathers of the Habiru/Apiru, later renamed "Hebrews". Not at all the same people as the Israelites.

The Pre-Israelites (Hyksos descendants with quadroon skin tones, pictured below) were never slaves in Egypt. As proof of this, the actual text uses the word 'Avadim' (worker). 'The Exodus' (or more correctly 'The Second Expulsion') of the remaining Hyksos by Seti from the land of Goshen happened inbetween 1280 BCE (when the descendants of The Hyksos built Pi-Ramses under Pharoh Ramses II as corvee laborers) and 1211 BCE (the approx. date of the 'Stela of Merneptah', which states "Israel is laid waste"). But the results of the Santorini Eruption that caused the plague, darkness, frogs and lotus do not line-up correctly, date wise. And a purely scientific investigation shows Moses most likely crossed the Sea of Reeds (if it happened at all) about 20 miles south of the Mediterranean Sea in a very swampy section subject to tides, quickened by extreme easterly winds.

The Hyksos offspring settled in Kadesh Barnea (Seir) becoming at least 6 differant Clans, with at least 6 different Gods (Shasu of Pysps, Shasu of Wrbr, Shasu of S'rr, Shasu of Rbn, Shasu of Sm't & Shasu of Yhw). Later the Holy Bible listed the leaders of 11 Clans of Edom (Aluf Timnah, Aluf Alvah, Aluf Jetheth, Aluf Aholibamah, Aluf Elah, Aluf Pinon, Aluf Kenaz, Aluf Teman, Aluf Mibzar, Aluf Magdiel, Aluf Iram). This is the true origin of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

The Hebrew word translated as leader of a clan is 'aluf', used solely to describe the Dukes of Edom and Moab, in the first five books of Moses. However beginning in the books of the later prophets the word is used to describe Judean generals, for example, in the prophecies of Zachariah twice (9:7, 12:5-6) it had evolved to describe Jewish captains, the word also is used multiple times as a general term for teacher or guide for example in Psalm 55:13.

One of the clans (or tribes) led by an Aluf, separated itself and set its sights on Kn'n (Canaan). The Shasu of Yhw sacked Jerico, then the Bethelites of Ai. The Gibeons join the Shasu of Yhw in the Battle of The Ajolon Valley defeating 5 Kn'ny City-States, and later 31 more city-states within the Alalakh Apiru controlled Kn'n, becoming the Kingdom of Israel.

Today's progressive independent thinkers must question all answers. Is Dark Energy the literal 'Ein Sof'? Is Quantum Mechanics solid proof of God? Why is this unknown/unpopular 'Gnostic-Methodist Chirche' the only Christian denomination that has a place for Jews & Muslims? Is 'math' the one & only true word of God? And what do we do with new questions and new information? I personally do not have all the answers, but I know one thing for sure. If an person or persons tells you some information but then adds: "don't listen to anyone else", "don't research, just trust me" or "don't read any other books but these". That person or those persons should be suspect and may not be trusted. Please doubt anything, read everything and always research. Do your Sundays the same as always, just add some religious studies on Saturday please. Dio benu vin ('God bless you').

La Eternulo vin benu kaj vin gardu. La Eternulo multigu Sian vizaĝon barako lumo sur vin kaj favorkoru vin. La Eternulo turnu Sian vizagxon al vi kaj donu al vi pacon.

قد الرب يبارككم ويحفظك، الرب قد جعل وجهه تسليط الضوء عليكم وتكون كريمة لكم، قد الرب يرفع وجهه لكم ويعطيكم السلام.

מי ייתן והאל יברך אותך ושומר עליך, מי תיתן ואל להקל לשפוך את הפנים שלו עליכם ולהיות אדיב לכם, מי תיתן ואל להרים את הפנים שלו אליך ויישם לך שלום.


written by:
Rev. Msgr. Johano Ludoviko II
Superintendent Prebendary of the Enacos Round